söndag 13 oktober 2013

Fall Tour Europe 2013.

On the road again...

Stockholm 12 October 2013.

After 3 months (june, july august) volunteering on a farm in Israel. I am back to France thinking about the next BD Tour.
D. was in Oregon trying to buy some land. The others are on stand by.
My budget being limited as usual I have to find a solution for cheap accommodations.
In Israel a young Lady told me about 'couch surfing'. I will try it in europe.
I spent many hours emailing some requests and got some good answers.

Oslo 9th of October 2013.
I flew from Paris with ryanair(cheap and fast).
I will stay with my first CS Host Julien, a French baker here in Oslo.
We have a dinner of salmon and I crash on the couch in his sleeping bag.

10th of October
First BD show. I'm all exited.
I walk downtown Oslo to find the Spektrum. Located next to the Train-station and Bus-station and tube-station...great!
Half an hour walk from where I'll be staying tonight.
I find the black buses in the open parking lot. nothing is happening so I walk back to the appartment to eat something, watch TV and get ready.
At 5 p.m. I'm back to the Spektrum.
Frederika is here. Maybe there was a sound check in the afternoon.
At 6:30 p.m. I put my sign out 'I need a ticket, please'.
It takes me 45 minutes to get a free ticket from a nice Lady. I meet with Che\Siobhaine and we get in.
My seat is all the way up but...I'm in and happy.
At a quarter to eight I hear Stu strumming his acoustic guitar. they take position and ...Charlie is on between George and Donnie.
Bob takes the center stage : no hat, dark suit, black\white cowboy boots. I'm far but he looks fit and slim.
"Things have changed" The sound is loud and clear. His voice is fine.
"She belongs to me". Precisely the one I memorized just before taking the road. thanks Bobby!
I sing along. " Beyond here lies nothing". Bob is on the piano, so it lakes of energy. "What good am I" clearly phrased. "Paid in blood", the first one from Tempest. "Duquesne Whistle", the one I was waiting for. I prefer the recording version.  "Tangled up in blue", I could do without.
Donnie picks up his violin and ...the first words of "It's alright Ma" for me ...so so. The violin sounds strange!
Then Bob at the mike , center stage mumbles something "We take a break, we'll be back". Ok Bobby...tired  after 8 songs?
15 minutes break, they're all back.
"The Roman kings". George is great on that one!
"Simple twist of fate" with bob on piano: I could do without.
"Summer days". I enjoy it.
Donnie on violin again and yes! it's "Forgetful heart". so intense that the audience is all quiet. What a MAGIC!
"Spirit on the water" sweet and cool.
"Scarlet town" third from Tempest tonight. Done for the first time on stage in Winnipeg (I remember well!).
"Soon after midnight". Tempest again.
"It's soon after midnight and I don't want nobody but you". Yes Bobby!
"Long and wasted years". first time on stage. Tempest. Making 6 from that album.
A break for 10 minutes.
They're back and I see Bob moving to Tony... a song not on the setlist?
The first notes of "All along the watch tower". The public is up. the hi-light of the night. Bob on piano.
I think it's over but no. Donnie picks up his violin for "Blowing in the wind".
18 songs all together. WOW! Thanks Bobby. Excellent beginning.

After the show the "cats" go to a bar to have a beer. I don't feel welcome nor comfortable so I walk back to my apartment to eat, take a shower and sleep in the bed tonight for Julien left for France, leaving me the keys. Thanks Julien.

Next morning 11th of October.
I take the tube to the train station to catch a 10:04 a.m. train to Stockholm. Unfortunately I do a mistake in the schedule and I will be stuck in a city called KarlStad for 5 hours, waiting for another train. It's sunny and warm so I seat by the river bank and snooze for a while, catching some rest.
I arrive in Stockholm at 8:20 p.m. and connect with Lennart my next CS host. He lives 20 km from Stockholm, in the middle of the forest. Nice and calm. The temperature is around 5 degree Celsius  below zero at night but the house is warm and I have my own bedroom. No shower though. It's broken!!
Lennart is extremely generous and offer me food as well as a place to sleep.
We decide for a visit of Stockholm in the morning and afternoon. Then he will drop me to the venue and pick me up after the show. Great!
We have a good time and I start looking for a ticket at 6:30 p.m.
Scalpers are making it hard but I get a ticket for 300 Krones which is about 40 euros. Not too bad!

The seat is not the best but the venue's capacity only 3000 people. The sound is good all around.
Stu on guitar and they all take their position.
I see one mirror tonight, just in front of George's drums. Weird! Only Stu is reflecting in it and Bob's legs when he's center stage.
No hat, black suit, boots.
"Things have changed" ... The same set list so far...until "Blind Willy Mc Tell" before the break.
Almost 20 minutes pause and the same songs, maybe more harmonica and "Thunder on the mountain" instead of "Summer days". All together 19 songs tonight.
The public is reserved and quiet. The venue is full.
Bob is a lot on the piano, standing most of the time.
Stu will have his electric guitar on "Duquesnes Whistle" and "Thunder".
Charlie is good, doing some solo.

I move quickly out to meet with Lennart at the train station at 10:00 p.m. and we drive back home.
A tea and bread for dinner and I try to catch some sleep. Good night Bobby!

The 13th of October.
At the train station in Stockholm, waiting for the train to Copenhagen.
Yesterday with Lennart we stayed home in the morning then we decided to join a Tourist Free Tour in the old city at 2:00 p.m. We had a good breakast of oatmeal and apple sauce with berries on crakers.
We take the bus then the tube for parking is difficult in the downtown area.
Nice sunny day but a bit cool for me. Probably 7 or 8 degree C.
The Tour is interesting then we walk until 6:30 p.m. time for me to beg for a ticket.
The scalpers are not making things easy. They sell for 1000 krones, more than 100 euros. Way too much for me!
Che and Siobhain got in. Tim will get a last moment ticket from a crazy girl.
Fredy myself are out!   Shit!   No way to get in tonight.
I see Bob getting out of his bus, all dressed up, hat in his hand. He moves in...Sorry Bobby, I won't see you on stage this time!
And Bob did "High water"   my favorite after "Beyond here lies nothing"...no fare!
I meet Lennart at the train station and we retrieve home, sad and cold.
I don't eat, just drink a cup of tea.
Oh well! Tomorrow is another day.

13th of October
I'm up at 6:45 a.m.
A quick breakfast and we take the tube to the train station. My train to Copenhagen will be leaving at 10:21 a.m arriving 15:40 p.m.
the waterfront in the back.

I will sleep most of the way, wishing Peace and Love to all my friends.
The landscape reminds me of Canada in the Fall, colorful trees.

Mak meets me at the train station. He's my third Host as "couch Surfing". He's got no bed but a shower alright. With Lennart I had a private bed room but ...no shower.
It's alright Ma! It's life and life only.

15th of October in Copenhagen.

I slept on and off as usual when I'm on the road in different beds almost every night.
I spend the morning sharing with Mak (my host) and then buy a Metro pass to get to downtown Copenhagen.
I will visit the Botanic Garden and the Fine Art Museum for few hours. The weather is nice; not too cold and it's not raining. Copenhagen is under construction! Road work everywhere.
I walk to the venue, the Falconer Salen located  inside the "Radisson Blu Hotel" (again, for the third time).
The buses are parked in the back alley.
The Theater is small, 2200 seats. Wow! A challenge to get a ticket.

Che is here, Frederika, Tim and the guitar player, all looking for a ticket.
We have a little party at the entrance of the Falconer; Fredy and I with our sign "I need a ticket, please", the guitar man playing Bob Dylan.
People are curious but kind of "cold", I feel like a monkey in a zoo!
No luck for me until the very last moment: a man comes to me and says that his wife is sick and can't come to the show. I bargain his ticket for 400K, that's all I got from the ATM machine. It's about 55 euros, not too bad but still a lot for me.
I'm in and rush to my seat. Of course a bad seat, all the way up. But since the theater is small the sound is perfect.
Here is Stu and the Band and Bob, center stage, his nice suit on, hat-less and in good shape.
I truly enjoy myself for I never believed I could get in....
After "payed in blood" Bob plays a sweet melody, some kind of waltz. First I thought it was Winterlude but when I meet with Che at the intermission he says it's "waiting for you". I have to admit that I'm not familiar with that song. I Love it and I hope he will do it more.
At the intermission I move down and try to find a better spot. I do: I pick up an empty seat on the floor section. I see Bob better, though he's on his piano most of the time.
"High water" the first time for me. But Bob is at the piano. The audience react a lot better when he's center stage.
I see Bob moving a lot to the side of the stage and drinking. Between almost each of the song. Sick Bobby? His voice already weakening?
I move out before the end. I want to see which bus he gonna step in.
A woman is waiting also. A security guard asks us to move back while a black car with dark windows passes in front of us. Barron is in front, so Bobby's in the back for sure.
"Good night, Bobby, sweet dreams"!

I catch rapidly the Metro to Mak's house. I eat the rise he cooked for me and we both go to bed. Mak will be up at 3:30 a.m. for his job. I'll join with him in Copenhagen for a Tour of the city in the afternoon.
Two people promised me a ticket for 400 k tonight, I'll have to be there early.

17h of October Copenhagen.

With Mak, my Couch Surfing Host, we do a tourist Tour of downtown Copenhagen.
The weather is warm and sunny. Great!

the little Mermaid.

The Hippy quarter of Copenhagen.

Mak, my Couch Surfing Host in Copenhagen.

Then I go to the Train Station to find out about my train to Hannover.
Walk to the Falconer Salen for the second time. I now know the way.
I check the backstage area aroud 5:30 p.m.
Nothing's in here moving. The sound check is already done?
The black buses are parked though, so Bob must be around.
I go strait to the "scalper" and buy a ticket for 400 k which is about 55Euro.
I don't want to panic like last night. Safe!

Bobby's bus in Copenhagen.

I meet with Che, Tim, Franky (the guitar player)... We chat until 10 to eight.
Then I move back by the bus.
Barron took position on the left of the bus, blocking the pedestrian alley.
Big Bob took position on the right, blocking the other entrance of the alley.
Strangely they are far from the bus.
Shortly before 8:00 p.m. I see Bob walking towards the backstage door, kind of all by himself, the body guards don't protect him so close.
Alright! I'm happy. I can say I saw Bobby before the show!!!

I run to the venue.
Take a seat anywhere I can. Che is moving farther down.
The sound is SO good! 
The Band well together.
It's already Fantastic.

At the intermission Che comes to fetch me and we both move to the 10th row, two empty seats.
But as Bob comes on stage the two people claim their seats. We have to move.
someone mention two empty seats on the right at the third row.
Unfortunately we have to pass right in front the stage.
Sorry Bobby!
The seats are great. Bob is so close.
The set list slightly different with "Love sick" for the first time on that Tour.
"Waiting for you" for the second time. Thanks Bobby!
His suit tonight is so strange!  Hard to describe : some black and light blue patches. I try to take a photo with my phone but ...no good.
The show is FANTASTIC! The best so far. It that because I'm close and happy or is it really good?
Bob drinks between the songs but it's hot in that small theater.

I prepare myself as he's doing "Long and wasted years". I have the feeling we'll be able to move to the rail.
And yes! One security guy makes a sign for us to move up. I can't believe it, I'm right in front of the piano, can't be closer. The stage is low so the security guards are making a chain but that's okay, we don't want anybody to jump on stage.
Bob takes position at the piano for "All along the watch tower".
He looks pale but fit.
"Blowing in the wind"...and he moves to center mike for the last verse.
I swear he looks at me for few seconds, I catch his gaze.
I'm in heaven.

At the show..."High water".

I take the Metro to Mak's apartment for a good night sleep.
"Good night Bobby, sweet dreams!".

17th of October 2013.

I'm now in Hannover after a nice trip on the train and a long night on the couch of my 4th Couch Surfing Host, Torben.
The weather is Automnal : gray and chilly.
I'm hoping for a Tourist Tour of that small city.
And of course a great show tomorrow tonight.

18th of October.

Torben is too much tired to get up so I help myself with some breakfast, go find some food and cook ...pasta.
At 3:00 p.m. I decide to go and check the venue, it's GA tonight.
Since D. could not make it to Europe I got all his German tickets with me. Two for each show except Dusseldorf. I arrive at the swiss Life Halle around 4:00 p.m. Already 20/25 people are queuing. I know most of them. So, I decide to be on the line, keep one D.'s ticket for myself and try to sell the other one.
We wait until 6:30 p.m. before they open the doors in a total confusion. I found my usual spot, right in front the piano. Great! 
I can't believe I'm in front again! Rita, from Switzerland, is next to me. we have fun.
The set list don't change much but Bob will be center stage more often.
The high light for me tonight is "Duquesne Whistle", so great!
I don't feel bored or tired on any of the songs. they keep the energy up. Charlie is clear and loud, Georgie powerful, Bob is even cracking a smile with Donnie.
On "Duquesne whistle"Bob suddenly forgets the lyrics and flip the papers in front of him, on the piano. I see clearly that al the lyrics are printed, not only the title of the songs. Wow! Bob had a blank on D.W!
He looks pale and sweat a lot tonight. He has to go in the back of the speaker and rehydrate himself often.
I enjoy myself tonight, happy to be in front.
After the show I walk rapidly back to the apartment, there is a party going on.
Torben, his roommate(an Italian student), a girl from Tunisia, a girl from Serbia are playing a card game. we eat pasta and go to bed at 1:30 a.m.
I'll be up at 8:30 a.m. next morning to go and catch my train to Hamburg.
thanks Torben for your hospitality.

19th of October in Hamburg.

I meet with Andre at the train station. He lives 10 minutes away. Great!
We eat breakfast with his girl friend and share thoughts in a Japanese atmosphere. Everything in the apartment has a Japanese style ; table on the kitchen floor, cushions, tatami and futons. Cool!
We take a walk in the St Paulin area then I walk alone along the harbor before retrieving to the train station and the apart.

I take a shower, relax and catch the train to C.C.H. at 5:30 p.m.. It's again a theater belonging to the Radisson Blu Hotel.

I try to sell of the D.'s ticket. The show is not sold out so it's difficult to get Face Value for that extra ticket. I finally sell it to Che. We all move in, all the "cats"and all the others.
It's a modern theater. The back seats are high, too high, they block the view.
Right on time Stu strums his guitar, the band takes place and Bob trots in center stage. His suit is classic, hat-less.
No surprise on the set list but I enjoy the songs. At the intermission Che comes to fetch me. He found two empty seats center and about 10 rows back. Great! We dance and sing.
Bobby is a lot center stage but not for "Beyond here lies nothing", too bad!
He doesn't seat anymore at the piano (maybe for "Spirit on the water"or "Scarlet town"). He will stay up on most of the songs.  He added some harmonica on "She belongs to me".
It's saturday night in Berlin, the Theater is small but not full, I'm wondering about tomorrow sunday!

I take the train back to Altona and sleep on the Futon, a good night sleep. I grabbed a cheese sandwich at the train station, so I'm okay, just shrinking a bit.

The temperature outside is 16 degree Celsius, no rain for now.

20th of October.

we all get up late and we have a breakfast. I spend time on the computer before heading again to the Radisson Blu Hotel. No much luck with the tickets but I keep one from D.
I move to the 11th row, close to Rita. We have a good time and at the end of the show we move to the rail for the 'encore'. Bob is again in front of me.
No changing in the SetList. Falling into a 'routine'? He looks pale so close, his eyes almost closed!
Andre agreed for me to stay one more night so I will leave Hamburg on the 22sd to Dusseldorf.

21st of October.

It's a day off. I was supposed to visit Hamburg with Che but things happened and I stay at Andre's appart all day, resting and thinking.

22sd of October

I leave the nice Japanes atmosphere at 8:00 a.m  Walk to the train station and catch my train to Dusseldorf.
I've a Couch Surfing Host but I don't feel comfortable about him. He will be home not before 5:00 p.m. so I take a walk in Dusseldorf, get lost and return to the train station. I catch a subway to the venue, just to check around. At 4:00 p.m. there is already a line! Shit I didn't know it was GA.
I decide to stand on the line. I ask Joe to put my language in his car and start looking for a ticket, for D. didn't buy any for Dusseldorf. At th shoe last moment before they open the doors Che finds me a ticket and I rush in. I take my spot in front of the piano. Great! But again I spent money on a ticket.
The show is thpart on te exactly the same as the previous one. Bob was wearing his fncy embroidered suit.
I enjoy myself thought, happy to be part on the Fun.
After the show I try to call my Couch Surfing Host but he doesn't answer. His phone is disconnected. For the first time the CS is not working in Dusseldorf.
Tim, Franky, Che have the same problem. There is some kind of exhibit , the price of the Hotels are tripled. On the top of it there is a terrible storm right after the show: wind and rain.
We all end up at the train station. We're trying to get to the Airport but the trains are cancelled.
We spend the night on some hard benches, Franky, Che and I.
At 6:00 a.m. we get a cup of coffee and we split. Che will take a late train, Franky a night train but since I have CS host in Berlin I go with the 7:53 a.m. train. I reach Berlin in the afternoon and rest and sleep well. My Host is an old Lady really helpfull. She cooks for me. Thanks Beate.

24th of October BERLIN.

I have a nice breakfast, a good shower and be ready for a trip in the city. I know Berlin, I've been here twice already for Bob Dylan shows.
I walk around, take photos, have a Hot Dock for 1.35€, a coffee for 2.
At 4:00 p.m. I reach the Tempodrom. The usual Fans are already on line. I take the line knowing that I need to sell D.'s ticket and I need to find a free one for myself. A bit crazy!
But it works. Too late for me to be on the rail. At the intermission I move up on the right balcony with Che and Siobhain. We see the stage pretty clear, the sound is good.
Same setlist. For the first time I feel bored and dream of... my mind roaming away.
Bobby! Why don't you make us a surprises! What's the problem?
I take the U7 back at Beate's flat. She made me a potatoes salad. So good! I'm starving.

I'm happy with my day : I made peace with D. over FB and I met all my good friends at the venue.
That day in Berlin was nice and warm and sunny. A bright sunny day!

Exactly what I saw.

25th of October Berlin

A German breakfast then a walk, this time on the North part of the city. I pass by Checkpoint Charlie again. The wall is down but the memory is up. They are a lot of tourists in Berlin as always. I saw the Holocaust Memorial, I passed by the Great Synagogue and other monuments but I don't want to pay for any museums.
At the Tempodrom again. The lines are formed with the same dedicated Fans. We don't share too much.
Johan and Tatiana are here filming Joachim. They're from the U.K. and decided to follow that Tour to make a film about the followers. I show them my paintings and I agree to give an interview but without my face. Just my paintings and my voice.
The tickets are difficult to get on a Friday night. It's Sold Out and the scalpers are aggressive. 
None of us (the poor Fans) will get a ticket, not even half price.
So somebody has a great idea : at the intermission the smokers are allowed to get out the venue with their ticket plus a red tag given at the doors. we find out some used tickets (some from yesterday) and figure a way to get those red tags. we're all in for the second part of the show. I move to the same spot as yesterday but I will have to stand up. 
A young Lady comes up to the mic asking people to stop taking photos or they'll be asked to leave the venue. That's the first time on this Tour. Bob must be pissed of with the photographers.
He trots on stage, grabs the center mic and moves few steps back, almost hitting George's drums.
He's mad and keep his face out of the lights. We have Zimmy tonight!
Except for his bad mood the show is the same. The crowd is packed up to full capacity.
Strange experience tonight. I did enjoy the trick to get in!
I rush to the U7 to reach `home`before 11:00 p.m. but get lost again and arrive  10 minutes after. This time there is no food. Oh well! I check my mails and go to bed.

26th of October Berlin

Up early for a breakfast. I have an appointment with the journalists at 11:00 a.m. at the Tempodrom.
I update my Blog and go strait there.
I give my interview answering some 25 questions and presenting my paintings.
Johan has bought a ticket and want to be on line right away. I join her. The Fans are slow to come today.
Joachim left so Stefano and Julia.
I get an easy ticket for 10€. Yes! I'm on line tonight and the first one at the door.
The afternoon passes slowly, so much time wasted.
I run as fast as I can. I'm the first one reaching the rail, in front of the center mic.
Great! The show will be good tonight no matter what.
The young Lady comes at the mic to give good advise.
Stu is on. Bob walks right in front of me...'Things have changed'.
I enjoy myself of course. Move my body and sing along with Bobby. I follow each and single word on his lips.
The mic is not up enough. Bob sends an angry look at Jules. His voice is not so clear.
Of course I know each one of the songs coming. No change in the Set List. No surprise.
For three shows in a row Bob is doing a 'routine'. Come on Bobby! Wake up!
I have the sensation he's looking at me when he blows in his harp. Illusion?!

I catch my U7 and try to fall asleep after a heavy diner, some kind of stew.
I make up in the middle of the night, don't know why.
I haven't see Che and Siobhain today. The atmosphere around the venue was not so friendly. I haven't talk to Franky and just said by to Tim.
Everyone is doing his business and dreaming his own dream!

27th of October

A day of.
The way to Geneva is long and narrow : 11 hours on the trains.
I'm thinking about the future.
D. didn't make it to Berlin, meaning he doesn't care to much about Bob or I.
Those Dylan Freaks are so inconsistent! Popping up and disappearing. Leaving me with a sensation of emptiness and profound solitude.
I've almost decided to end the Tour in Paris. We'll see.

I find my way to the Couch Surfing Host in Geneva. He's an Iranian.

28th of October Geneva.

The weather is warm and sunny. I do my laundry in the sink and hang it outside on the balcony.
The show tonight is seated, no need to rush.

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